Patient and Public Engagement in the GMC


The Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine delivers a first class clinical genomic and laboratory service for the North West. Patients and families are at the heart of everything we do and we are keen to involve them in how we develop and deliver services. Manchester Genomic Patient/Public Involvement and Engagement (MAGPIE) is our established network of health professionals and patient representatives to provide information on clinical services and engage patients and the public at numerous events in the Greater Manchester region. MAGPIE is keen to support initiatives within the community and if you are planning any events please contact

Examples of these include



Our Genomic Patient Alliance group (GPAG) comprises of patients and families who are active in contributing to development delivery of clinical and research projects. We are always looking for new members so if you would like to be involved or have further information you can contact us on


Examples of some of the work they have been involved in include:

  • Reviewing website information
  • Provided input into research proposals
  • Organise lab tours and open days in the department

During the 100,000 genomes project, we have had patient and public involvement (PPI) groups linked to local delivery hospitals. We have one representative from the Greater Manchester GMC Participant Ambassador group who currently sits on the National Participant Panel. Our representative is Dave McCormick (National Patient Participation Panel & GeCIP Board representative Lay Patient Representative to the MSc in Genomic Sciences, University of Manchester GMC).

We offered a drawing competition for children in Years 5 and 6 in local primary schools to learn about genomics and to develop a “logo” for our rare disease service. A number of schools took part and this was the winning drawing that is now being developed into a logo for stickers for children attending our clinics. Many thanks to all the STEM teachers and children who took part.