Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust was one of nine centres involved in the successful trial of the first drug targeting the cause of Huntington’s disease.
The study was led locally by Dr David Craufurd, Consultant in Neuropsychiatric Genetics at the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Saint Mary’s Hospital. Study visits took place at the NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility, which is a safe and quality assured environment for delivering high-quality early phase research.
Of the trial, Dr.Craufurd said:
We were thrilled to be one of the nine study centres, which meant we were able to give our patients the opportunity to take part in this ground-breaking research. The results are very promising and we hope it will lead on to further developments in finding a successful treatment.
The results of the trial and plans for the ongoing IONIS-HTTRx programme will be presented in detail at forthcoming scientific meetings and prepared for peer-reviewed publication.
Read more about this groundbreaking study in to the treatment of Huntington’s Disease on the MFT Research & Innovation website.